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Saturday, June 2, 2018


11:37 PM Posted by Unknown No comments

Why did I choose Information system as my major?

Introduce me is a student of computer science and information technology faculty who are in department of information system. This paper was made to tell my personal experience why I chose the information system.
At first after graduating from high school, the first thing I did was the confusion process because I did not know what to choose which high school majors I would be working on. My mind at that time was how to choose to fit the ability and sincerity of the self and want to develop that ability.
Starting from a fondness in the field of technology, then I chose the majors related to computerization. Finally I was looking for information about majors related to computer science in internet media. After I search finally I got a good reputed campus and recommended for student / student enthusiasts of information technology and computer science in Depok area. The campus does not have one faculty, but the achievement of the campus is more prominent to the field of computer science and information technology.
I got an invitation to enter the family of computer science faculty and information technology in the information system. Many experiences here that I get from adult thoughts, structured concepts, to long-term thinking. In addition we get friends who are also our treasures in the future to be an opportunity channel work. Friends of the campus is also different from schoolmates, here we find many characters that we have not met before because they usually come from areas that we do not know. In addition, their thoughts can motivate to compete healthily and encourage the below to be above.
What I get why I choose this department of information systems is this department is learning about technology. Technology is an activity that will continue to grow from time to time and is needed for all levels of society. Speaking of technology, it must be talking about computers, prepare yourself for something that smells of computers and develop a logical understanding. Logic is greatly used in this lesson because many will be studied as to understand machine language to be interpreted into human language, and vice versa.
No need to worry about the job, the role of information systems is needed in all areas. The company definitely needs workers who are experts in the field of computers, whether in designing a system, managing databases, or creating applications for a project. However, not infrequently also workers who eventually work not in the initial majors. Those who prefer to become entrepreneurs, accountants, and others do not mean to choose a major, thinking in the lecture will form a new idea that is different from usual and will determine the path of success of one's life.
The main target of the lecture majoring in information systems is to form a student / student into a system of analysts. No wonder if later in the lecture we will be presented about the programming language and will review it one by one about whether the program is valid or not. Unlike the more informatics engineering students to the manufacture of hardware, software, and even applications. Information system fighters prefer long-term because we are going to think of a system formed and how long its duration. Furthermore we make hardware manufacture to majors informatics engineering.
So my experience about lectures on information majors. For those of you who want to enter high school and guaranteed to choose such a computer majors, because basically a technology will definitely be sought and developed. Then my next suggestion is to use a conscience. If you have entered the chosen option, sincerely in doing it, be diligent and learn the contents. Do not complain is the key to long-term success.