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Monday, March 26, 2018


4:11 AM Posted by Unknown No comments
NAMA  : Michael Griyan
NPM     : 16114629

Type 1

      1.  If he comes home, I will ….. (give) you money
    Answer : give
      2.  If you ....... (send)  this letter now, i will receive it tomorrow.
     Answer : send
      3.   If He …… (leave) Jakarta, I will play with Darto.
     Answer : leaves
      4.    If I ….. (buy) a flower, I will give it to her
     Answer : buy
      5.   If  You send me a letter, Rangga will ….. (give) you a gift
     Answer : give
      6.    If Sinta …….. (come) on time, I will be happy.
      Answer : Comes
      7.    If you do a good job. Ramanda will ….. (be) happy
      Answer : be
      8.    If She comes to my house, I will …. (prepare) a meal
      Answer : prepare
      9.     If you ….. (go) to the office, please mail this letter for me
      Answer : go
      10.  If Dona has much time, she will ……… (help) you.
       Answer : Help
      11.  If you go to the toys shop, please ….. (buy) me a toys
      Answer : buy
      12.  If Rico ….. (meet) me, I will be happy
      Answer : meets
      13.  If You meet him, you must ….. (give) this bag for him
       Answer : give
      14.  If you ….. (finish) this job, I will give you a new position.
      Answer : finish
      15.  If He ….. (come) with me, You must bring me a new car
      Answer : comes
      16.  If I …. (do) this test, I will improve my English.
       Answer : do
      17.  If She sits in my chair, I will ….. (punish) you
       Answer : punish
      18.  If she ….. (comfort) me, I will be happy
      Answer : comforts
      19.  If I …… (find)  your smartphone, I will give it back to you.
       Answer : find
      20.  If you ….. (take) my coat, I will be sad
       Answer : take
      21.  If she helps me, I will …. (fix) her laptop
       Answer : fix 
      22.  If she ….. (clean) my castle, I will give you much money
       Answer : cleans
      23.  If you …  (be) study hard, you will not pass the test.
       Answer : Don’t
      24.   If she ……..  (come), I won’t be angry.
       Answer : Doesn’t come
      25.  Simon …… (go)  to London next week if he gets a cheap flight.
       Answer : will go 

Type 2

      1.      If you ….. (go) to Yogyakarta, You would buy me some fod
      Answer : gone
      2.      If Raisa called me, I would …. (come) to her house
      Answer : come
      3.      I would buy a Airbus if I … (be) a lot of money.
      Answer : Had
      4.      If we ….. (work) this job together, We would get the best result
      Answer : worked
      5.      If you were a nice person, you wouldn’t …. (do) that thing.
      Answer : do
      6.      If I ….. (listen) to this song, I would remember the best moment in my life
      Answer : listened
      7.      If I did not pass the entrance exam to the university, my parents would… (feel)        dissapointed.
      Answer : feel
      8.      If he ….. (work) harder, he would win the competition
      Answer : worked
      9.      If Cika come to my house, I would ….. (bake)  her favorite cake
      Answer : bake
      10.  If I did not come to Gindra’s wedding, I wouldn’t ….. (meet) my ex-girlfriend.
      Answer : meet
      11.  If Diva received my letter, She would …. (be) happy
      Answer : be
      12.  If you … (study) harder, you would pass the exam.
      Answer : Studied
      13.  If Damian sold his house, I would …. (buy) his house
      Answer : buy
      14.  If  you ….. (help) me, I would give you a gift
      Answer : helped
      15.  If it were sunny, I would... (hang) my clothes outside.
      Answer : hang
      16.  If you cleaned my house, I would …. (give) you a money
      Answer : give
      17.  If she …. (change) his bad habits, I would be happy
      Answer : changed
      18.   If Dora ….. (find) a good book, She would buy the book
      Answer : found
      19.  My boss would … (be) very pleased if I finished the job.
      Answer : Be
      20.  If I didn’t move to Pittsburg, I wouldn’t …. (miss) you so much.
      Answer : miss
      21.  I would go and see her if I … (be) you.
      Answer : Were
      22.  If you didn’t …. (inform) me about your address, I wouldn’t send you a letter
      Answer : inform
      23.  If I worked in Semarang, I would …. (move) to Semarang.
      Answer : move
      24.  If She …. (drink) my coffee, I would make a new coffee
      Answer : drunk
      25.  You …… ( get)  the job if you were not late to the interview.
      Answer : Would get

Type 3

      1.      If you had ….. (stay) at home, Regina would have met you
      Answer : stayed
      2.      If Rifki had …..  (pay) for my bill, I would have  fallen.
      Answer : paid
      3.      If you had …. (go) to Lombok, I would have stayed in Jakarta
      Answer : gone
      4.      If Dona hadn’t come for me, I would have ….. (go) to AEON mall
      Answer : gone
      5.      If the boys had …. (take) the bus to school, they would have arrived on time.
      Answer : Taken
      6.      If I had known you were sick, I wouldn’t have ….. (fight) you
      Answer : fought
      7.      If I had stopped in forbidden area, I would have …. (give) a fine
      Answer : given
      8.      If she had ……. (overcome) her shyness, she would have become a great teacher.
      Answer : overcome
      9.      If I had …. (know) you were coming, I would have prepared a delicious meal.
      Answer : Known
     10.   If you had listened to my advice, You wouldn’t have ….. (find) a new talent
      Answer : found
     11.   If My child had lived with me, I wouldn’t have …. (stay) in Semarang.
      Answer : stayed
     12.   If you had …. (come) to the meeting yesterday, you would have met Shania.
      Answer : Came
     13.   If I had …. (finish) my work sooner, You would have been happy
      Answer : finished
     14.   If you hadn’t told me the truth, I would have ….. (feel) disappointed
      Answer : felt
     15.   If I known you were here, I would have …. (meet) you.
      Answer : met 
     16.   If you …. (stay) with me on my birthday, I would have been happy
      Answer : stayed
     17.   If you hadn’t …. (wake) up late, You could have been on time
      Answer : woken
     18.   If Derry hadn’t …. (teach) me about English, I wouldn’t have spoke fluently.
      Answer : taught
     19.  If you hadn’t …. (show) me your true personality, I wouldn’t have known you very well
      Answer : show
     20.  If She hadn’t …. (answer) my question, I wouldn’t have known you were there.
     Answer : answered
     21.  If he hadn’t apologized to me, I would have …. (be) hate him.
     Answer : been
     22.  If they had taken him to hospital earlier, he ….. (die)
     Answer : wouldn’t have died
     23.  If he had given up his dream, He wouldn’t have …. (live) happily
     Answer : lived
     24.  If dad hadn’t ….. (punish) me, I would have played with my friend
     Answer : punished
     25.  Fortunately you assisted to push the car. If you hadn’t helped him, he would have... (get) angry with you.
     Answer : gotten 

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